
jcampbell avatar image
jcampbell asked jcampbell commented

sandbox access_token

I'm generating access_tokens using the sandbox environment, but I'm unable to make api calls using the generated access_tokens. The access_tokens do not show in the Setup=>Api Tokens for the merchant. If I create and access_token using Setup=>Api Tokens then I'm able to successfully call the api. Are the sandbox generated access_tokens not usable for the api calls in the sandbox environment or am I missing something?
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1 Answer

jcampbell avatar image
jcampbell answered jcampbell commented
Thanks for the reply, Sam. Yes, I created and installed the app onto a test merchant and then went through the oauth process to create a token. I then attempt to create a new Order using the access token, but get a 401 back from the REST Api. I'm able to create orders if I revert to the access_token that I created via Setup=>Api Tokens. It looks like everything is setup correctly (app, merchant, permissions), but I must be missing something.
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