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wapwot asked Miguel Deactivated answered

Server to Server communication

I'm currently working on a solution for a single merchant.This solution is not going to be an app that is available to multiple merchants, the only use is reading inventory data and aggregating it with other business data (stored elsewhere) to produce reports.
I have a server that is responsible for building the report, but it needs to periodically make a call to clover for inventory data.
I've been given a merchant id and token (provided by customer services) that I've been told will allow me to accomplish what I need, but I'm getting a 401 unauthorised error. Assuming that the token will work the oauth process shouldn't be required. Also, it's all run by automated services so there will be no end user to do the login.
Is the token incorrect, or could there be something else blocking my access?

OAuthAPI Token
10 |2000

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