
ezeljonesca avatar image
ezeljonesca suggested frederickgragg Deactivated commented

How do I setup my wireless router for the first time?


Router setup steps
Step 1: Decide where to place the router.
Step 2: Connect to the Internet.
Step 3: Configure the wireless router gateway.
Step 4: Connect gateway to router.
Step 5: Use app or web dashboard.
Step 6: Create a username and password.
Step 7: Update the router's firmware.
Step 8: Create a Wi-Fi password.

For further information you can visit our website:

Belkin n300 WiFi Range Extender | Belkin Setup n600

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theld1995 avatar image
theld1995 commented

Thanks for the wireless snow router setup guide. Have a good time playing house of hazards online.

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trir43 avatar image
trir43 Suspended commented

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