
luispedroa avatar image
luispedroa suggested dorthylindgren commented

item customization rules - uber eats issue integration

customization-rules.jpgclover.jpgHi, there's an issue regarding the Customization Rules of an item or extra item.

Clover does not allow a client to chose more than one time an item, and Uber Eats has this option inbuilt in their system. But because this option is not built in Clover, the integration shows errors and does not allow a client to chose more than once. "

Multiple selections

Can customers select the options more than once?"

Clover needs to add this option to their system in order to Uber pull this information and display it.

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dorthylindgren avatar image
dorthylindgren commented

Why not let customers choose multiple dishes at once like in geometry dash scratch to save their time and get the food out quickly instead of having to order one dish and then order another.

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