
smallboats avatar image
smallboats suggested andreeone23 Suspended commented

Low Inventory Alert

It would be really helpful if Clover could make some kind of notification when inventory levels drop to or below a user specified limit. With 500+ SKU's in inventory, some alert would be much more helpful than just running out and finding out then. A customizable alert limit would allow time to reorder before running out. Set an alert alert at 2 and when stock sells down to 2 you get some notification of the low inventory. Then you can re-order before hitting 0.

Does this exist already and I'm just missing it?

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zanderkunze avatar image
zanderkunze commented

Some inventory management apps available for Clover can provide customizable stock alerts. Apps like Shopventory, StockIt, Geometry Dash Scratch, and Inventory+ often include more advanced inventory control features, such as low-stock alerts, reporting, and reorder management.

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bednar avatar image
bednar commented bednar edited

Clover does not have a built-in feature to send notifications for low inventory block blast levels based on user-defined limits. However, users can manually check inventory levels or use third-party inventory management apps that integrate with Clover.

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brandunoz avatar image
brandunoz commented

You may set up personalized stock notifications with some of the Clover inventory management applications. Advanced inventory control capabilities, such as reporting, reorder management, and low-stock alerts, are often included in apps like Shopventory, StockIt, geometry dash breeze, and Inventory+.

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andreeone23 avatar image
andreeone23 Suspended commented

GeoGuessr combines fun and learning in the most engaging way possible!

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