
paulryan avatar image
paulryan suggested knore commented

Semi-integration retrieve payment status


Just like to say the clover USB semi-integration SDK is one of the most stable and robust integration.

You currently you have a retrieve payment status which can be use to retrieve the status of a payment request which works great and allows me to recovered from any USB or Network disconnection during a onsale request.

Therefore my suggesting is could you implement a retrieve payment status on refund request, I know a refund is class as a credit and not payment, but I'm still creating an external payment id for refund which in-turn should allow me to retrieve the status of refund (credit).

Currently the clover sdk doesn't have this feature

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prz avatar image prz commented ·
This is great feedback as the the external payment works great on sale request, strange that clover doesn’t allow the retrieve payment status on refund.
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jokerjqk avatar image jokerjqk prz commented ·

I completely agree with this issue. It will be more convenient when paying

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hitseri avatar image
hitseri commented

I am a newbie in the crypto niche but faced an issue in choosing a wallet to use smoothly, probably with an intuitive interface to feel more intelligent. I've just found a comprehensive guide that allows me to feel like adding some clarity to essential issues. I do hope to use the service with strong confidence.

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alexisreilly avatar image
alexisreilly commented alexisreilly edited

I trust the quality of your service. Please create more Geometry Dash Lite quality products. Please use them safely.

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anthonylyles avatar image
anthonylyles commented

To retrieve the payment status in a semi-integration setup, you typically need to make an API call to the payment gateway's endpoint that provides transaction details. This involves passing relevant transaction or order IDs and receiving the payment status (e.g., success, pending, failed). Ensure proper authentication and error handling are implemented in the integration for accurate status retrieval.

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knore avatar image
knore commented

Semi-integration allows for easy retrieval of payment status. It's a user-friendly approach that keeps processes smooth and efficient. This can be especially useful for websites offering fun activities like friv games, ensuring seamless payment experiences for users.

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