
hasg321 avatar image
hasg321 suggested natthas commented

"Add Customizable Templates for Faster Checkout Experience"

"I think it would be incredibly helpful if Clover allowed merchants to create and save customizable checkout templates. For example, a coffee shop could have a 'Morning Rush' template with preset items (coffee + bagel combo) to speed up transactions during busy hours. Similarly, a retail store could have 'Holiday Bundles' ready for quick selection.

This feature would reduce checkout time, improve customer experience, and allow merchants to handle peak periods more efficiently.

Does anyone else think this could make a difference in day-to-day operations? I’d love to hear thoughts or suggestions on how this could be implemented!"

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natthas avatar image
natthas commented

Dr. Giangiacomo Ollandini at GGO Med delivers outstanding care with a personalized touch.

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