
steven-1 avatar image
steven-1 suggested grins1967 commented

Open/Close Register Til

Why is there not a simple feature provided and not thru an app for open and closing the register at the beginning and end of the day. This is a normal function that is provided on just about every POS. It allow for defining short or long counts as well as how much cash needs to be deposited. The only app provided just does the count. This would seem obvious as a normal function that comes with the SAAS.

station pro
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grins1967 avatar image
grins1967 commented

Having a register open/close feature that matches cash reconciliation and deposit tracking would save a lot of time and reduce errors. Relying on third party apps feels like an unnecessary workaround for something that should be standard in any block blast software. Hopefully they take feedback like this into account for future updates!

10 |2000

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