
mmrazek avatar image
mmrazek suggested marycarter21 sent

Discounts : Ability to Sort / Re Order + Allow Decimal points in Discount Rate

Anyone know if there is a feature request in the works for the ability to sort or re-order discounts in clover station ? Seems like a simple request, but makes all the difference to users UI experience.

2nd, any merchant who does BOGO, if Buy 2 get 1 FREE needs the ability to do 33.33% or other floating point discount amounts. Integers arent enough ... feature request please!!!

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Richelle Herrli avatar image
Richelle Herrli commented

Thank you for submitting this idea!

Would you mind clarifying your request for decimal point percentages? In your buy 2, get 1 free scenario, it would make the most sense to me to discount one of the line items in the order at 100% (typically the lowest priced of the three).

If you're looking for a way to create percents that go into the thousandth and ten-thousandth place, you could also calculate this amount with your app and then log it as the amount that results from the calculation.

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mmrazek avatar image
mmrazek commented

When setting up a percentage discount, the number is an integer. Therefore the options would be 33% or 34%, the equivalent of Buy 2 Get 1 More FREE would be 33.33% etc ...

Yes, discounting one item at 100% works, but if you wanted to have reporting on whether or not a BOGO sale was working, you would instead be getting a report of one item being FREE...

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chickenplusone avatar image
chickenplusone commented

Buy 2 get 1 FREE is still applicable at this time? Super Mario

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halledner avatar image
halledner commented halledner edited

Please use it appropriately Block Blast for your device.

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