IMPORTANT: For Android 10 APKs, please ensure you use the v1 signature scheme only. Android 10 will reject APKs signed with non-v1 signatures. For more information on what's changed with Android 10, please see:
What's new:
- We started rolling out the new ROMs to all merchants as of 10th January, 2022.
- The new A10 ROMs have already been rolled out to our sandbox environment.
What you need to do:
- Verify your APK with apksigner. If it does not verify, update the APK to use the v1 signature as soon as possible.
- Please re-test your apps in sandbox, and let us know if you see any issues.
We encourage developers who have not yet done so to complete their changes as soon as possible.
If you have questions or concerns, contact Please include “A10 ROM” in the subject line.