
laheles avatar image
laheles posted domainesia commented

Recommend not using deprecated Android framework Fragments

Clover developers should not use the deprecated Android framework Fragments on Android which, although they may work, have been known to cause significant issues with some apps. Because the Clover Mini v2, Clover Flex v2, Clover Station Duo, and Clover Station Solo are all Android 10 based, we strongly recommend that app developers use androidx Fragments.

android 10
10 |2000

Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

juck avatar image juck commented ·

Great advice! Switching to android Fragments ensures compatibility and stability, especially with Android 10-based Clover devices. Thanks for highlighting this!

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domainesia avatar image domainesia commented ·

It's great that you're advising developers to move away from deprecated Android framework Fragments. Given that these Fragments are no longer actively supported and can lead to unexpected behavior, especially on Android 10-based devices like the Clover Mini v2 and others, switching to androidx Fragments is a smart move. androidx provides better compatibility and performance, along with ongoing support. This will ensure smoother operation for your apps and prevent issues down the line. Definitely worth transitioning as it aligns with modern Android development practices!

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