
davetherock avatar image
davetherock asked vatcalculatorsa sent

OAuth 2.0 - Failed to validate authentication code - Clover redirects to '/oauth/authorize' instead of /oauth/v2/authorize

I recently built my app's OAuth v2 integration in sandbox, and kept running into:

{'status': 'Unauthorized', 'message': 'Failed to validate authentication code.'}

Turns out, the code being passed to my API was from 'oauth/authorize' instead of '/oauth/v2/authorize'. This is the default for navigating from the left panel in sandbox as well as the default for clicking "Example OAuth Request" in the Edit REST Configuration Menu.



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kanelime8 avatar image
kanelime8 answered

Your post is very kind. Please know how much I appreciate it, and how much I look forward to reading your future writings.

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jennyhana avatar image
jennyhana answered

I really appreciate your article, I feel it is very accurate. io games

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shikshade avatar image
shikshade answered

I really appreciate your article, I feel it is very accurate.

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blickpunktleben avatar image
blickpunktleben answered

Thanks for the solution. blickpunkt leben

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infoquelle avatar image
infoquelle answered

It’s great that you were able to identify the issue with the incorrect redirect from 'oauth/authorize' instead of '/oauth/v2/authorize.' This kind of troubleshooting is crucial for ensuring smooth OAuth 2.0 integrations, and it's helpful to share these experiences for others working with similar setups. If you’re looking for additional insights on integration and troubleshooting, this resource might be useful.

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Ideenkorb avatar image
Ideenkorb answered

This is a really insightful post! It’s always great to see such thought-provoking content that encourages reflection and growth. For anyone looking for more valuable tips, inspiration, and guides on similar topics, IdeenKorb is a fantastic resource to check out.

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themenmix avatar image
themenmix answered

themen mix provides outstanding views regarding clothing and technology.

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kuhlschrankprofi avatar image
kuhlschrankprofi answered

This issue with OAuth 2.0 redirection paths can be quite frustrating, especially when defaults don't align with the expected configuration. Ensuring the correct endpoint like /oauth/v2/authorize is crucial for seamless authentication—small details can make all the difference in troubleshooting integrations efficiently!

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alltagsentdecker avatar image
alltagsentdecker answered neugierzone commented

Alltagsentdecker is a lifestyle blog that celebrates everyday discoveries, offering inspiration through travel, family adventures, DIY projects, and practical tips for a joyful, fulfilling life.

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neugierzone avatar image neugierzone commented ·

The discussion on OAuth 2.0 authentication issues in the Clover community is incredibly insightful!

Neugier Zone

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lebensblick avatar image
lebensblick answered

Lebensblick , a health and wellness site offering insights on nutrition, vitality, energy boosters, and superfoods for a vibrant life.

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