
kostadin avatar image
kostadin asked kostadin commented

APK downloads not available for both sandbox and production

Both pages with dev-apks open, but there are no links listed where they should be

Edit: Looking at the answer I think I should make it more clear that I am accessing the pages listed, but see no links to the actual APK in them when I open them from genymotion:
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1 Answer

Bryanne Vega avatar image
Bryanne Vega answered kostadin edited
1 comment
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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

kostadin avatar image kostadin commented ·

Yes, those are the two pages I was referring to when I said "both pages with dev-apks open"...

I see no links there both on my PC and in genymotion. I am trying to set up a Clover Flex in genymotion, could this be somehow linked with the problem?

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