
atul7v7 avatar image
atul7v7 asked karanpreet commented

500 Internal Server Error During OAuth Flow on Sandbox

I am working on integrating the Clover OAuth flow in my application. After generating the authorization URL using my app ID, app secret, callback URL, and state, I am successfully redirected to Clover’s login page to enter my username and password. However, after submitting the credentials, I receive a 500 Internal Server Error.

Upon inspecting the network requests, I noticed that it’s making a call to:

This API call is returning a 500 error.

Has anyone encountered this issue before, and are there any suggestions for resolving it?

Thanks for your help!

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shopventory avatar image
shopventory answered

We are seeing the same issue on our Sandbox env for the past 24hrs or so. Reached out to Clover developer relations, waiting to hear back.

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shopventory avatar image
shopventory answered

As per suggestions from Clover, tried:

  • Creating a new merchant in the Sandbox and testing - same result
  • Disabling the alternate launch path - same result

Still waiting on Clover for additional information.

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shopventory avatar image
shopventory answered karanpreet commented

Just for anyone following this thread, they are working on a fix, but if you need something sooner, creating a new sandbox developer account should fix the problem.

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karanpreet avatar image karanpreet commented ·

Thanks shopventory

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shopventory avatar image
shopventory answered karanpreet commented

Just a quick update here, while auth works on test merchants on the new GDE sandbox, a lot of things are completely broken with no ETA on fixes.

1. Randomly logged out without any indication - see

2. Unable to add employees to test merchants:

3. Unable to setup emulator

GDE credentials are returned as invalid when logging into a sandbox emulator, so I was hoping to do #2, then use that login but adding an employee is also broken.

My whole team is stuck dealing with these issues, very frustrating.

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karanpreet avatar image karanpreet commented ·

shopventory any updates ?

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karanpreet avatar image karanpreet karanpreet commented ·

Shopventory sandbox is working now

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leogeorge2 avatar image
leogeorge2 answered leogeorge2 edited

A 500 Internal Server Error typically indicates an issue on the server side rather than within your application. To troubleshoot, first check your server logs for more detailed error messages that could help identify the problem. Make sure you are following the latest Clover API documentation for OAuth and double-check the parameters in your authorization URL for correctness.

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