
mesamtimmar avatar image
mesamtimmar asked aniclouds answered

Call clover Rest APIs from AWS lambda function

I am using clover APIs for the first time. I want to fetch sales data for items of a particular merchant using merchant ID. Is it possible to call clover Rest APIs from lambda function or is it the case that we can only call clover Rest APIs through a published app in the clover app store?

EDIT: For a normal API call, we need to get the API token from clover server which involves authorizing merchant, specifying the ID of our application (client id) and the secret key of our application. Authorizing merchant results in a redirect to our app.
Now instead of calling clover APIs from our published application, if we want to call clover APIs from a lambda function, how do we get the API token? Because in this case, we do not have an app ID, no app secret key, also no redirect URL to our app which clover server redirects a user after authorizing. In short, is there a way to get API Token in a standalone function like AWS lambda function? Which also comes down to if there is a way to authorize a merchant from a lambda function without redirecting it to the clover login page? (Assuming we have merchants credentials)
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morenoh149 avatar image morenoh149 commented ·

can you highlight in what ways your scenario is different from a normal api calling clover apis? That would help you get an answer

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mesamtimmar avatar image mesamtimmar morenoh149 commented ·

Thanks, @morenoh149 for responding. I have updated the details. Hopefully, my question is clear now.

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buyawscreditaccount avatar image
buyawscreditaccount answered
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makosa avatar image
makosa answered

That was a great and engaging post. I was searching for this kind of information, and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. OnStream

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aamlye avatar image
aamlye answered

click to open this

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aniclouds avatar image
aniclouds answered

Elettra Tempocasa ist Ihr zuverlässiger Partner für den Kauf und Verkauf von Immobilien in Italien. Um auf den E-Personam Login zuzugreifen, laden Sie die App im App Store oder Google Play Store herunter und installieren Sie sie.

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