
john-modules avatar image
john-modules asked john-modules commented

Do I need developer dashboard?

I'm interested in creating an API integration, so that I can simply read total sales from Clover. I do not need an App on the Clover Device. I basically just want to read from the reports. I notice that I can create a "private token" and a "public token" but I see very little documentation on how to use these. Further, I notice that the docs that (I think) I need are calling for a Bearer token? Am I looking in the wrong place?

REST APIAPI Tokenauth tokens
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john-modules avatar image john-modules commented ·

That is, I have access and really like, I can see orders, sales, and run reports. If I don't need to create an app, do I need a sandbox/Global Developer Dashboard account?

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parquet76 avatar image
parquet76 answered john-modules commented

Are you a merchant or a developer? If you are a developer do you want to build an app that will be used by many merchants or just a single or a few merchants?

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john-modules avatar image john-modules commented ·

Um, both? I am only interested in building an implementation for only my merchant IDs (we have 30 or so). I'm a developer by day :) So, in that capacity I suppose I'm a merchant. I do not want to build an app for others to use.

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parquet76 avatar image parquet76 john-modules commented ·

Getting an app approved by Clover is an extraordinary long and painful process. I would just use a merchant token for now, the private token is what you will pass in your API requests. The problem with this approach is that you have to manage a token for each of your merchants. I would set up a sandbox account just so you can play with the API, so you aren't experimenting in prod. Good luck.

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john-modules avatar image john-modules parquet76 commented ·

I understand, can you help me understand why I'm getting a 401 from the following?

curl --location '{my merchant id}' \--header 'accept: application/json' \--header 'authorization: Bearer {token obtained from Settings ==> Business Operations ==> API Tokens ==> Private Token}'

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