
mcdowelle avatar image
mcdowelle asked barekus78321 answered

Does the Clover Station Duo require USB Pay Display? Will the Duo work with Secure Network Pay Display?

We are currently using Mini 3 with Secure Network Pay Display. We want to upgrade to the Station Duo to have employee and customer facing devices. We have attempted to tether two Minis but it appears it only works from the Register app on the master (employee) device. If we load the order on the employee device via Secured Network Pay Display, it does not display on the customer facing device.

Clover Station
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1 Answer

barekus78321 avatar image
barekus78321 answered barekus78321 edited

I've been on the hunt for a top-notch gaming platform Dragon Tiger in India, and guess what? I found a real treasure! The diversity of games is so overwhelming that choosing the next one becomes a real challenge. But what sets it apart is the exceptional customer service, always ready to sort out any issue. If an enhanced gaming experience is what you're after, don't miss out. It's completely revamped the way I game, and I just had to share this exciting find with you all!

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