
amarkhodaskar avatar image
amarkhodaskar asked rosebl answered

Firefox Browser Error in Clover Hosted iframe

I've used Clover iframe payment integration it's gives console error of Content Security Policy: The page’s settings blocked the loading of a resource at eval (“script-src”).


in Firefox browser

Paymentsclover developer community
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ateesdalejr avatar image ateesdalejr commented ·

Also getting this same error, y'all need to update your CSP directives in the dev environment after you apply patches.

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manu avatar image
manu answered

I am also getting the same error only in Firefox in both production and sandbox. Because of this error the payment page behaves unexpectedly. For example, it does not enforce street address and sometimes when I click to submit payment, it does not do anything.

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rosebl avatar image
rosebl answered

Your detailed observation of the Content Security Policy error is crucial Death By AI for troubleshooting and improving the integration's security and functionality.

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