
ildeep avatar image
ildeep asked lisalm edited

Get online ordering items from inventory via Clover API

Some of our restaurant customers who have Clover online ordering website have a different Clover dashboard UI (newer?) to enable items for online ordering.

What I have seen is - Item page has "Online ordering" and "Show online" checkbox. If this checkbox is checked, the item will be visible on the Clover online ordering website. The way to access this checkbox via API is -


If this parameter is true, then that item shows up on the Clover online ordering web site. But customers on the different Clover dashboard UI do not see "Online ordering" and the "Show online" checkbox. For these, using the same parameter does not match with what's visible on their Clover ordering website.

Which item attribute or parameter should I look for to identify items that are enabled for Clover online ordering? Thank you!

REST APIInventory
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youngzahir avatar image
youngzahir answered

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roseharris avatar image
roseharris answered

When querying the Clover API for online ordering items, you should verify the `item.menuItem.enabled` parameter. If customers have a different UI, double-check their API version. Debugging is like fine-tuning a solar power panel system for optimal performance.

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tacotruck avatar image
tacotruck answered tacotruck edited

You have to expand menuItem, menuModifierGroup, or menuModifier for the related GET URL. For example

This isn't documented and unfortunately it seems you cannot expand menu categories :(

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