
vikrantuk avatar image
vikrantuk asked landy answered

Mandatory Clock in for employee

We are trying to develop an app which adhere to Revenue Quebec’s SRM mandate. According to the SRM requirements, employees should not be able to perform any operations if they are not clocked in.
We have turned on the 'Prompt employee to clock in after login' option from shifts settings:

But in the register app prompt to clock in appears with a cancel option.

Is there an option to disable or remove the cancel option.
As requirement is to have clock in mandatory.

Thank you.

Clover Android SDKClover Mini
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bryanvargas avatar image
bryanvargas answered

There is no way to remove the cancel button from the Clover clock in popup module

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landy avatar image
landy answered

Your thought is thought-provoking Solar and adds richness to the conversation.

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