
itamar avatar image
itamar asked pashakorobok Deactivated answered

Apple Pay with Ecommerce Rest API

Hello, I'm trying to use Apple Pay with Ecommerce Rest API but its hard to tell how to do so and if it is even supported. I know that in 2020/2021 it was in development and wasn't supported but I don't know the current status and would love some help. Thanks :)

REST APIecommerce
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colleenhoward avatar image colleenhoward commented ·


Hello! As of my knowledge cutoff in 2021, Apple Pay was not yet supported with the Ecommerce Rest API. However, I suggest checking with Apple or the specific Ecommerce platform you are using to see if there have been any updates since then. They may have added support for Apple Pay by now. Good luck! mybkexperience

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bryanvargas avatar image bryanvargas ♦♦ commented ·

We are still working on this

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1berto avatar image 1berto bryanvargas ♦♦ commented ·
Is there a timeframe on this? It seems like it's been open since 2020. We are building an integrated system and are looking to integrate with Apple Pay.
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tarafoster avatar image
tarafoster answered

The current status of using Apple Pay with Ecommerce Rest API may depend on the specific e-commerce platform or software that you are using. While some platforms may have added support for Apple Pay since 2020/2021, others may still be in development or not support it at all. It's best to check with your platform's documentation or support team to determine the current status and whether it's possible to use Apple Pay with their Ecommerce Rest API.

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will1452 avatar image
will1452 answered

I must say you have written a great article.

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roysten avatar image
roysten answered roysten edited

I'd alsoo appreciate to get more info on estimated time it's to be ready. Or, at least, an up-ti-date list of ecomeerce platforms that accepting Apple Pay with ecommerce rest API. It would be good to know also if there is saas explainer video for better understanding how to integrate the apple pay on my website.

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