
donald avatar image
donald asked sam Deactivated answered

Clover Disconnecting

              Re: Clover Mini Disconnecting during Transactions
             To: First Data Corporation

Importance: Urgent Solution Needed Since April 2016 we experience problems where our Clover Mini terminals disconnect from our POS Windows machines without a pattern. The worst case scenario is when Clover disconnects in the middle of a charge transaction and drops POS without the necessary feedback. Also, we had occurences when Clover maintains the USB link but it does not fire the event OnDeviceActivityStart()!

We have 4 Clover units used in a semi-integration (Windows). Each Clover unit is linked to a Windows POS machine via a USB cable. We are using Release 1.0 of CloverSDKSetup.exe. The problem occurs with every Clover unit and at a high frequency: 1- 2 occurrences per unit per day. Clover customer support offered SOFT REBOOT of Clover which is not a solution since the reboot resolves the issue only temporary until the next disconnect re-occurrence.

When Clover maintains the logical link to POS, the link is reported by the Device Manager. However, not always a soft reboot leads to a normal USB connection. Sometimes Clover misreports itself and Windows lists Clover as UNRECOGNIZED device. In that case, we repeat the reboot several times!

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1 Answer

sam avatar image
sam Deactivated answered

Hi Donald,

Since this is a very specific issue, I've PM'ed you to ask you to email me directly with additional information.



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