
Rohit Bhardwaj avatar image
Rohit Bhardwaj asked Rohit Bhardwaj commented

Is there a way to use the same card token for all merchants?

Hi there,

I have a doubt regarding the token which we get in response after a successful payment of v2 pay API.I have used this token for payments directly without allowing user to enter his/her card details for the same merchant. Now if i make the payment for some other merchant, the user has to enter the card details for other merchant.

So my question is do we have any other option that the user should not have to enter his/her card details for every other merchant or the card is stored for a particular customer and he/she can make payments to all merchants directly without entering all details ?

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1 Answer

Mark Mullan avatar image
Mark Mullan Deactivated answered Rohit Bhardwaj commented


This is intentional. Tokens returned by our Developer Pay API are intended to provide convenience, not omnipotence. You'll need to obtain a different token for each merchant/customer credit card combination.

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Rohit Bhardwaj avatar image Rohit Bhardwaj commented ·

Thank you Mark..!!

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