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1zero1 asked bryanvargas answered

Ecommerce charge receipt - remove taxes field

The service our client is selling does not have taxes. The receipt always has total tax 0.00$.

Can we take it out?

e-commerce apiecommerce
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1zero1 answered



I might not have been clear enough. The ecommerce API, has a charge end point. It sends an automatic receipt if the email field is given.

We do not have a place in the to with a template for the invoice. Or do we?

@stephensto, this is only the payment receipt. Our endure already have their invoices (with taxes = 0). They use the platform to pay this previously sent invoice. Thus, this field is really unuseful .

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1zero1 avatar image
1zero1 answered

@bryan.vargas we are out of luck for an answer on many questions on the forum. You previously answered on one other question we posted. I am reaching to you for a follow-up on these many questions. Sorry for the many tags you'll receive

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bryanvargas avatar image
bryanvargas answered

Tax field in the receipt cannot be removed

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