
zaid avatar image
zaid asked zaid answered

adding a step to the checkout process

I have a clover checkout station.

When the person checks out, I would like to put a page there that ask for their phone number. After the user enters this info, I would like make an api call to confirm that it is a valid cell number and prompt the user if the number was incorrect. I will be doing a few other things with the number, like sending an SMS etc.

Coding is not a problem, but I am not clear on what options I have. Do I need to create a whole new app that handles the checkout process? I just need some high level explanations.

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Carl avatar image
Carl answered

Custom Tender, this will create a button on the Tender Page that you can use. We use it for our Loyalty program.

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zaid avatar image
zaid answered

Thanks for the info Carl! Here is what I understand - I will have to create a tender app that takes care of taking phone number, validating it by calling an external api etc.. Please correct me if I am wrong here.

Also, do I need to order their hardware dev kit or do you think I should be able to test this out without it?

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