
Jai avatar image
Jai asked Lee Tickett answered

Get customer using query

There is method in CustomerConnector class customerConnector.getCustomers(String Query) to get list list of customer by passing query. what should be passed to this method as a query parameter .

I have tried,

customerConnector.getCustomers("phoneNumber=="+ "12345678098");]

I have also tried to get customer list using first name and last name , but Nothing is returned from sdk .

Is there anything I am missing in the query parameter??

Thanks, Jai

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1 Answer

Lee Tickett avatar image
Lee Tickett answered

Just tested and you just put the value you want to search for and it will search first, last and phone number. For example;

  1. customerConnector.getCustomers("12345678098");


  1. customerConnector.getCustomers("Tickett");
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