
4leaflabs avatar image
4leaflabs asked Jeffrey Blattman commented

How to troubleshoot "Unfortunately Clover Has Stopped" in production


A handful of our customers are reporting the message "Unfortunately Clover Has Stopped". We use Crashlytics to look for such issues and not seeing any reports.

Is there crash diagnostics on the Clover side that we can take advantage of to help our customers address the issue? Unfortunately, we're not able to replicate the issue on our sandbox or production test devices.


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Mark Mullan avatar image Mark Mullan commented ·

Following up here - just responded to your email to I'll post a resolution on this thread once we reach that point.

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Dan avatar image
Dan answered Jeffrey Blattman commented

"Unfortunately Clover Has Stopped" is a result of the Clover app crashing (com.clover.engine). I don't know of any way for you to see the app crash data.

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smartpaysupport avatar image smartpaysupport commented ·

@Dan seeking clarification on this thread:

1. What are best practices for a Clover "Fully Integrated Developed App" to receive diagnostics for their app?

2. Is the remote control capability only available to Clover technicians or is it also available to third-party Clover "Fully Integrated App Developers"

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Jeffrey Blattman avatar image Jeffrey Blattman ♦♦ smartpaysupport commented ·

1. We do not provide app diagnostics it is recommended that you integrate a 3p diagnostics solution. In the case where it's our app(s) that are crashing you can report the problem to us. We do monitor ourselves but sometimes things get passed over.

In certain cases we may be able to check our logs and give back some information but in general we can't share devices logs as it can contain sensitive information.

2. Remote control is locked down pretty tightly because of the obvious security implications. Only certain privileged Clover employees have access.

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Loyal Loops avatar image
Loyal Loops answered

You should, in theory, be able to monitor the output from Clover using adb. I'm not an ADB expert by any means, but this might be a good start:

In our shop we connect physical developer hardware to Android Studio, and we can see the exceptions & stack trace when the Clover app crashes in the Android Monitor.

Unfortunately, as far as I know, you cannot sign in a developer edition device to a production account (even the ones developers can create). So you have to choose between a sandbox account on physical hardware, or a production account on an emulator. I haven't tried running adb to live merchant edition hardware running production accounts, so there may still be a solution for you there(?), but our experience is that you can't get it using Clover's options for developers.

As for Crashlytics, that would be running in your app. So you wouldn't see the data from Clover's crashes.

Hopefully one of those options can get you what you need.

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Mark Mullan avatar image
Mark Mullan Deactivated answered Mark Mullan Deactivated commented

Resolved directly with the developer in a private email chain. As a Clover developer, the best thing you can do in these situations is to gather a list of the affected merchant(s) and send them to us privately at "Unfortunately Clover has stopped" errors are a catch-all error message for any number of issues that may have gone wrong, and their stack traces are tracked and logged on our end.

In this particular case, the affected merchants all had the same stack traces. The fix, in this case, has been implemented and will rollout shortly.

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4leaflabs avatar image 4leaflabs commented ·

Really appreciate the resolution. This is a great example of partnership between Clover and a 3rd party developer (us) to help our merchants.

Happy holidays!

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Mark Mullan avatar image Mark Mullan commented ·

Likewise, happy holidays to you and your team as well!

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smartpaysupport avatar image
smartpaysupport answered

@Dan Checking back in on this question....


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