
jonathan avatar image
jonathan asked Brian Murray Deactivated commented

Newbie Questions for Web Site integration

I have a customer that is looking to use Clover. He would like to be able to have online ordering along with a couple of other features. The REST API looks straight forward. I would just like someone to confirm that I can do what I believe I can do, so that I will be able to deliver on what I am recommending. I would appreciate if someone could confirm that the API will do what I am expecting.

1) Menu Items - I will be able to retrieve menu items using the inventory API. There will be a method to indicate that the menu items have associated items (something like burger comes with choice of fries or potato salad). Menu items will include price.

2) Orders - I will be able to create orders through the API, including being able to take payment. Credit payments will be processed by Clover backend. In other words, I will not need to make calls directly to a payment gateway.

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jonathan avatar image jonathan commented ·

For the payment, I am seeing in the faq that it uses the V2 API: GET to /v2/merchant/{mId}/pay/key . I cannot find the equivalent in the V3. I assume this means the V2 API is still valid for this operation or should I be looking somewhere else in the API?

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1 Answer

jonathan avatar image
jonathan answered Brian Murray Deactivated commented

After looking into the payment faq, I see the example is using a V2 API: GET to /v2/merchant/{mId}/pay/key .

I cannot find an equivalent in the V3 API. I assume this means that the V2 API is still valid for this call? Or is it possible that the documentation just does not show that?

Thank you

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