I use the category of an item to track it's sale. Since the Clover inventory does not reliably alert me when an item's category has been changed, I wrote a work around to check the category of an item at the time of sale. It's a little more load on your system, but I need this information to be accurate. This is all done against the v3 API
So, at the time of sale, I will ask a question like this:
I will usually get an answer that looks correct, and it has some categories sometimes, or at least it used to. Now I'm seeing answers like this, so I ignore the sale. Is the problem that the categories command is responding with the "tags" response?
array(0) {
string(83) "http://api.clover.com/v3/merchants/QSNPDHZQDSP7C/items/6VRPDFAM99QJE/tags?limit=100"
Now I find out that my reports are wrong! So I double check, and the customer swears there are categories are right. How can this be? So, I try it from another angle, and ask the following question of the API. R0HYVQMV5PWPG is the ID of the category that the customer says is attached to this item.
And in reply, I get 43 items. I cut most of them out, but the last one I find very interesting.
array(43) {
object(stdClass)#48 (14) {
string(13) "6VRPDFAM99QJE"
string(25) "Blue Leather Swivel Chair"
string(0) ""
string(12) "210842175006"
string(0) ""
string(5) "FIXED"
string(0) ""
string(89) "http://api.clover.com/v3/merchants/QSNPDHZQDSP7C/categories/R0HYVQMV5PWPG/items?limit=100"
There, my item is listed as being attached to the category! So, now I'm off to write another work around. Despite all the attitude in my post, I fully accept that I might be doing something wrong, and if that's the case, I would sure appreciate some help.