
alibkind-1 avatar image
alibkind-1 asked sesom1939 edited

Is there a way to get the the name of 3rd Party Delivery Platforms in Payments API

On our Clover online portal we see DoorDash as the source of the Payment (see attached screenshot). However, when we pull the sales data via the Payments API we don't see "Doordash" displayed anywhere. Is there an additional call we need to make to get this filed to display.

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bryanvargas avatar image bryanvargas ♦♦ commented ·

Have you tried to expand on tender or orderType, if the app has a RAID you can also expand on the appTracking to get the details of the app

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1 Answer

sesom1939 avatar image
sesom1939 answered sesom1939 edited


It's possible that the DoorDash payment information is stored in a different field in the Payments API. Check the API documentation or contact the API provider for guidance on how to retrieve the DoorDash payment information.

Best regard,

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