
Lorraine LIng avatar image
Lorraine LIng asked chrissaffire commented

Order Connector getPayments() sometimes returns with empty list

Hi, we use the Order Connector in the Android SDK to retrieve information about a recent Payment. This works in most cases, but occasionally the Payment list is empty. We would like to understand why sometimes it is empty and if there is a way to ensure the payment is listed. Could a payment that was only partially completed result in the payment not being included? Any other potential reasons for empty payment list?

Code snippet:

Private OrderConnector orderConnector;

orderConnector = new OrderConnector(context…

Order order = orderConnector.getOrder(orderId);

java.util.List<Payment> payments = order.getPayments();  
// issue: payments usually has most recent payment, but sometime it is empty



OrdersClover Android SDK
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chrissaffire avatar image chrissaffire commented ·
@lorraine Did you ever get this resolved? We've seen the same thing occur for us recently
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1 Answer

Lorraine LIng avatar image
Lorraine LIng answered

Any suggestions on this? What would cause OrderConnector getPayments() to have an empty payment list right after a payment was completed?

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