
Yasin Shuman avatar image
Yasin Shuman asked Bryanne Vega commented

Clover mini as payment terminal

Hi team,

If a has a mini and uses it as a payment terminal, they don't have acess to the inventory app. Are there any other apps that the merchant can't access?

Do they still have use of the register app and access to the tender screen?

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Jeffrey Blattman avatar image
Jeffrey Blattman answered Bryanne Vega commented

Yes, depending on the merchant's plan, they may not have access to certain apps. No, not all merchants have access to the Register app. I don't understand exactly what you are referring to by "tender screen". I think you mean the payments app, which is the merchant facing screen where the merchant chooses the payment method and has options to split the payment. All merchants do have access to the Payments app.

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Bryanne Vega avatar image Bryanne Vega commented ·

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Bryanne Vega avatar image
Bryanne Vega answered

If you have a mini or mobile, going to the web dashboard and looking at service plan will give you some insights about what apps are not available. Basically all apps the require certain modules (Register, Inventory, Orders, etc) in order to function will not be available.

You can view your tender types and add/remove then as you wish, that option is still available and you can view more by going to the Setup app in the Clover.

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