
mkonnekt avatar image
mkonnekt asked Mark R answered

How does subscription change webhook work?


I am using webhooks to get notifications on app changes such as install, uninstall and subscription change. Please explain how subscription change webhooks works?

From what I understand, for a merchant to change his/her subscription plan, he/she has to 1. Uninstall the application 2. Re-install the app with the new subscription plan

So will I get 2 webhook calls - uninstall followed by install or will there be one single subscription change webhooks call?

Please let me know if there is a different process than above for change in subscription by a merchant.

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1 Answer

Mark R avatar image
Mark R answered

From what I understand, for a merchant to change his/her subscription plan, he/she has to 1. Uninstall the application 2. Re-install the app with the new subscription plan

Not necessarily. If the app has multiple subscription plans, then you will see a button above uninstall button. It will say something like "$9.99 - Subscribe" or "FREE - Subscribe" based on the selected subscription plan. So the end user just needs to select his subscription plan and subscribe for it.

Uninstalling the app and Installing it again with a different plan will also work. But it is easier the other way around.

So will I get 2 webhook calls - uninstall followed by install or will there be one single subscription change webhooks call?

If you uninstall and install the app, then you will get 2 web hooks. One for app uninstall (as a DELETE hook) and one for app install (as CREATE hook). If the app subscription is changed, then you will get just 1 web hook. It will be an UPDATE hook.

10 |2000

Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

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