I use clover go and currently accepting payments on my iPad and iPhone 6. I'm a hairdresser and accept tips. I'm uncomfortable handing my device over to my clients when the tip page comes up. I don't want them to feel obligated to tip so I just go to the next page for their signature. Therefore missing out on the tips. When I was using first data apriva pay the tip and signature were on the same page. Much more comfortable for me and the client. They had the choice on the same page to tip or not and or just sign the receipt. If you could make the change I would appreciate it. Also would love to be able to store my email address on the receipt page and then type in their email so they can receive a receipt. At the end of the day I go to my history page and email the receipts to myself. It's an added step. Again I had this option with apriva pay. Very easy. Thank you for allowing us to post these questions and further develop clover go to assist us a merchant. I look forward to hearing from you. Denise d'Ambra. Denisedambra@sbcglobal.net.