
martin7 avatar image
martin7 asked robb commented

Default payment card for customer

Is there a way to mark a customer card as a default card using for payment via the API?

If a customer have 2-3 cards on file, when I send order pay request with source as customer id, it charges the last added card, but I want to charge the 1st added card. Is there a way to mark the first card as default card for payments?

Another way I can achieve that is is by getting the 1st card token and send it as source, but then I get a warning message "No stored credentials supplied on multipay token". The order is paid, but I am not sure if all is good because of that message and it would be easier if I just send customer id for source and charges the a default card.

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1 Answer

Richelle Herrli avatar image
Richelle Herrli answered robb commented

As of right now, the last card saved is the default card on file. As you mentioned, if you need to charge a different card for that customer, you will need to send in the card source token and mark it as a subsequent transaction.

Please keep in mind that not every merchant has multipay card tokens enabled and, if they don't, the merchant will need to contact Clover Support to update their TransArmor token.

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robb avatar image robb commented ·

How to get TransArmor token?

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robb avatar image robb commented ·

"you will need to send in the card source token and mark it as a subsequent transaction."

what should I do?

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