
mohit avatar image
mohit asked David Marginian Deactivated commented

How to process tips in the payments


I and using an emulator for the clover device and have set up the tips in the account to ask for the tip on every payment. In the clover device whenever I go ahead and make the payment it is also displaying the screen of selecting the tips.


But whenever I try to select a particular tip say 15% Good it is giving me the screen to return the device to the employee and he will manually enter the card information.


After that clicking on the device is just giving me the spinner and nothing is happening.


So, how to process the tips in the test/development environment??

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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered David Marginian Deactivated commented

Payment flows cannot be tested on an emulator, you will need to purchase a devkit.

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mohit avatar image mohit commented ·

okay so, I wanted to add the tip after the payment is being processed by using the API{mId}/payments/{payId}

but it is giving me 400 response saying

  "message": "Currently only lineItem payments or employee associated to payment can be updated. No lineItem payments or employee ID found."

so, I believe there is no way to add the tip after the payment is done. Or is there any other way to add tips to the payment being processed?

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ mohit commented ·

I am sorry, I am very confused about what you are trying to do. Your original posts shows screenshots from a device (card-present transactions), now you are trying to adjust the payment via REST API (card-not-present), which you have found is not possible. Adjusting a payment after the fact when the card-holder is no longer present is an extremely sensitve operation which is not possible and would be non-compliant if it was. What exactly is your use case (card-present, card-not-present)?

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mohit avatar image mohit David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·
So, I was building the app and want to show the payments including tips I was able to get the total amount, taxes, etc. but in order to get the tip with card-present requires a dev kit so, I was thinking that the user in real-world would use the card and make the payment and add a tip if he wants. So in order to get just the tip, I was thinking to use the API and add some tips in the order and check the JSON to get the response and show in my app.
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