
Alex Libkind avatar image
Alex Libkind asked David Marginian commented

How Does Tip Effect Total Sales Price in API

It seems that the data we are getting from API is giving us sales data that DOES NOT include the tip. For example, the Total = Sum (Item Total) - Sum (Discounts) + Tax. If there is a tip it does NOT show up in the Total. In order to determine how much was Tendered, do we need to add the Tip to the total?

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered

Tips should not be included in the order total - I say "should not" because hypothetically a 3rd party app could create an order and set an invalid total that included the tip. If you want to see the amount paid for a given order you should expand payments ( and iterate through the payments on the order.

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Alex Libkind avatar image
Alex Libkind answered David Marginian commented

Just for clarity here is screenshot of the JSON response Total = $25.99 + $1.88 = $27.87 but tip of $4.18 is not in total.Screen Shot 2021-09-17 at 12.06.31 PM.png

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·
Per my prior comment, tip should NOT be included in the total.
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