
thepackienh avatar image
thepackienh asked David Marginian edited

Tracking Negative Inventory Numbers

Recently, an update was added that eliminated Clover's ability to track negative numbers in inventory. This has severely crippled our ability to track inventory in our store.

We sell most of our thousands of items with an option of singles or packs. In a perfect world, Clover would subtract these items from the overall amount and track the two options together. Since this doesn't seem to be an option, we have simply been doing the math. We guess how many singles will sell vs packs when items first arrive in the store. If we are wrong, we can still see that the theoretical numbers left in stock are (-4 singles) and (+1 4-pack), which equals zero of that particular item.

We have survived on this for years, but now that option has been eliminated. Now all numbers below zero show up as (0) instead of -1, -2, -24, etc. This means we have no way of tracking inventory, theft, trends, and predictions. Obviously, this is not good business practice and is making us consider different companies. Please consider undoing this update or at least offering the option to track negative numbers in our system. Please don't suggest that we find a 3rd-party software to track things unless you know of a free one that we can use. The one we were already using is only linked to Clover's tracking and can also no longer track negative numbers.

Is there any way to get around this and go back to tracking negative numbers? I like your system a lot and hope to be able to continue with you folks. Thank you!

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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian edited

Couldn't you have a separate item for singles and a separate item for packs? When the items arrive estimate how many singles you will sell, split them out and update the stock quantity of the "single" item. Leave the remaining items in their packs and update the "pack" item with an accurate stock quantity. You could also accomplish this with variants (if your plan supports it) -

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