
rastech29 avatar image
rastech29 asked David Marginian answered

Orders entered via Rest API are not showing in POS (but are showing in online portal) using version 3


We are submitting orders using REST api via our website. The order are processed fine on clover's webportal. We can see the orders fine however when I installed clover flex min 2. I don't see anything in the orders. I even tried submitting the new order but it still doesn't show on the register emulator. We have clover's order app installed there are no filters

OrdersREST APIClover Flex
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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian converted comment to answer

Orders created via the REST API are not showing up on an emulator? Can you provide an order id?

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rastech29 avatar image rastech29 commented ·

hope this will help1619639200118.png

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1619639200118.png (42.5 KiB)
rastech29 avatar image
rastech29 answered

hope this will1619639158786.png

1619639158786.png (42.5 KiB)
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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered

The recommended way to create orders is via our atomic order endpoints -

You are using the APIs discussed here - and you have failed to set the state of the order to open (null state orders will not show up in the orders app) -

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