
ankur avatar image
ankur asked David Marginian commented

Create charge and Pay from One Clover Account to Another Clover Account


I am new to Clover.

I want to pay from one clover account to another clover account.

For example, I received $10 for an item from customer. So now I need to keep $6 with me and pay rest $4 to another clover account.

Does Clover support this scenario? What APIs should I use to achieve this?


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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian commented

If in the scenario you are describing you would like a single customer payment to automatically fund two Clover merchant accounts, no that isn't possible.

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ankur avatar image ankur commented ·

Okay. So is there any alternate way in Clover to achieve this? Can we pay from Merchant's account for a charge instead of credit card?

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ ankur commented ·

Not that I am aware of.

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