
breadeveryday avatar image
breadeveryday asked David Marginian answered

rounding up on reward points??

Our store uses clover built rewards app, on a free subscription.

We chose the option to Reward customers a point, per every dollar spent, in exchange of a free drink.

The issue is that clover system will automatically round up the dollar amount. For example, if a customer spent $3.45, they'll be rewarded 4 points. If a customer spent $11.10, they'll be rewarded 12 points.

As a merchant, I am now responsible for rewarding a customer who has spent less than $100, because of all the rounding up.

I spoke to clover about this, and response was rather reluctant to fix the issue, or to report, because it's an "engineering".

um.. is anyone else having such issue, or have noticed this? or is there a way to fix this while on a free subscription? (maybe it isn't a issue on a paid subscription?)

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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered

Hi, this forum is for 3rd party developers that build apps on Clover's platform and is monitored by engineers. Please add your request to User Voice - which is monitored by the people that make product/business level decisions. Thank you.

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