
kashan-siddiqui avatar image
kashan-siddiqui asked dazza5000 answered

Payment In Crypto Using React Native Application

Apologies if you guys have already explained this in document somewhere but so far I could not been able to find it.
I want to scan transaction information from clover POS and pay with crypto using react native app. Then let the terminal know about the payment. Is it possible in clover?
I have seen the API docs you provide and also your react native integration but nothing related to the usecase I mentioned above.
The API's are mostly related to fetching data of transactions and accounts of clover itself.

NFC and QR, will need to know about both for scanning.

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1 Answer

dazza5000 avatar image
dazza5000 answered

You need to create a custom tender, for example, react native crypto pay. The merchant would then press this tender button on the payments screen and when the payment is complete you would tell clover the payment is settled. The full docs on custom tenders are here:

Also, please consider using native android, kotlin mp.

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