
ramya avatar image
ramya asked David Marginian commented

Ecommerce v1/refunds API returns processing_error in Sandbox

Ecommerce v1/refunds API working fine for Web access token, But not working for Clover Android SDK returned access token.

returning below response

{"message":"400 Bad Request","error":{"code":"processing_error","message":"Account not found"}}

We have enabled Payments Read and Write Permissions for our app.

REST APIClover Android SDKRefundaccess token
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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered ramya commented

I don't understand what you mean by Android SDK. Are you just trying to make a REST call to that endpoint from your application on the device?

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ramya avatar image ramya commented ·

No, retrieving auth token using authenticate(Activity activity, Account account, boolean forceValidateToken) method from Clover Android SDK

Whenever we are passing this auth token to Ecommerce v1/refunds API. Showing this processing_error

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian commented

Perhaps the issue is that your app is missing a few of the required permissions specified for the return endpoint:

Read merchant
Read orders
Read payments
Online payments
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ramya avatar image ramya commented ·

But we have enabled all permissions.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ ramya commented ·

In your original post you said "We have enabled Payments Read and Write Permissions for our app." So, it appears you are missing the "Online Payments" permission". Provide me your app id in a private/moderators post.

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian commented

I am not familiar with the details of the authenticate call from the device but I am guessing it gives you a merchant token so the permissions on your app are irrelevant. Jeff can probably confirm this. I am not sure it it possible to use the token returned from the authenticate for this use case.

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ramya avatar image ramya commented ·

Ok, Thanks David

We will wait for Jeff reply

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ramya avatar image ramya ramya commented ·

Any update on this?

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ramya avatar image ramya ramya commented ·

Can you please give an update? Merchants are complaining that refunds are not working on our production environment.

Can you please check again.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ ramya commented ·

Is it possible the merchants complaining had your app installed prior to you adding the required permissions? Also, what is the refund flow? Are they trying to refund the payment from your Android app running on the device? If so, why don't they just use a native Clover app to perform the refund?

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