
brajeshk2 avatar image
brajeshk2 asked David Marginian commented

Not able to call authorize REST API to get authorize token using Oauth.


Method: Get

Getting Staus: 200 OK

Buth not receving response as authorize code to generate access token for calling other cover API.

Please help how to generate token using Oauth in sandbox environemnt.

API Token
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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian commented

Please see the OAuth documentation - The authorize endpoint (Step 1) doesn't return the code, it is used to redirect the merchant to login to their account.

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brajeshk2 avatar image brajeshk2 commented ·

Hi David,

Thanks for reply.

Can you provide us how i can get can access token(which end point need to call) using REST API?

Please help me.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ brajeshk2 commented ·

Please take the time to read the documentation - You need to follow Steps 1-4.

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