
sparkage avatar image
sparkage asked Emily L answered

Card tokenizing and split payments–bug?

I am tinkering, and think I may have found a bug (or there's something about card tokenization I don't understand):

Steps taken:

  1. Create two new customers "Customer A" and "Customer B"
  2. Open the Customers app, navigate to Customer A, and create a new order for them. Enter the test card number '6011 3610 0000 6668' manually. Complete the order.
  3. Back to Customers, and create an order for Customer B. Enter the test card number '4242 4242 4242 4242' manually. Complete the order.
  4. Go directly to the Register app and create a new order.
  5. Add items and hit Pay, split custom amount, 2 ways.
  6. Enter Customer A's card number from step 2 for the first payment.
  7. Enter Customer B's card number from step 3 for the second payment.
  8. Complete the order.

Expected result:

Both Customer A and Customer B associated with the split order, and further orders using Customer B's card are associated to Customer B.

Observed result:

Customer A is the only customer associated with the order when retrieved using the API. Additionally, Customer B's credit card from step 3 is now listed under cards for Customer A (but it is also listed under Customer B).

If I then create a new order, and use Customer B's credit card, Customer A is associated with the order.


Register 1.0-1468

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1 Answer

Emily L avatar image
Emily L answered

Thank you for your detailed bug report. This is a known issue that’s being tracked internally.

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