
khurram avatar image
khurram asked dbaskin commented

Not Found error while doing OAuth using REST api


We are developing an online ordering app for our customer. Now we are trying to oAuth for payment. On sandbox and even for a test production account its working fine but when we are trying to do it on our real merchant account then its giving the following attached error of Not found.

I went through all articles and tried best to solve it but no luck. Can anyone please please help.
we are calling this url " "

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered dbaskin commented

This is likely because your application has not been approved and is still is a new state. In production your app must be approved before it can be installed.

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leemorgan avatar image leemorgan commented ·

I am having the same problem. However, I am trying to do this with a sandbox account. I need to test the OAuth flow to make sure that it is working. This is my first time using OAuth and I need to test what I am doing. Is there any way to test the OAuth or does the app have to be approved first?

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ leemorgan commented ·

I do believe the app needs to be approved for you to test this even on sandbox, but I may be wrong. I won't be able to look into this in more detail until next week.

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dbaskin avatar image dbaskin David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

David, were you able to confirm that an app needs to be approved even in sandbox in order to be installed?

I created a couple test merchants, but only the first merchant is able to install my app in sandbox. For the others, I see the "Not Found" error shown here.

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khurram avatar image
khurram answered David Marginian commented

@David Marginian Thanks for your reply. so i have a question. This app will be used in more then 30 branches. do we need to submit it from every branch merchant account or how its gonna work?

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

Your app will need to guide each interested merchant through the Clover OAuth2 flow outlined here -

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khurram avatar image
khurram answered David Marginian commented

@David Marginian also its an iphone app we are doing and when i look at upload and i can see that only we can upload apk file which is only possible with android app. please help how we can fix the issue.

also our app we will upload on itunes and google play store for our users and it won't be through clover market. we are using REST apis. everything else is working fine. we are able to place order through app but this problem only coming when we are trying to do oAuth for payment through our apps. we are trying to generate the token for oAuth. please help

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

If you are only using our REST API you still need an approved application, in this case it will be a web application.

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khurram avatar image
khurram answered David Marginian commented

@David Marginian can you please tell me how i can upload my iphone app build to clover production developer account for approval. i can only see the upload apk option which is only for android.

As i mentioned earlier that i want to upload my apps on google play store and itunes so our customers can download from there and place order online. this whole scenerio is possible right?

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

I am not clear how you are integrating with us. Are you just using our REST APIs, or are you using one the iOS SDK and using it to take payments on the device? In either case, you are correct, you won't have an APK to upload, but you will have to have a Clover app. If you are just using our REST APIs then you will need a web app. If you are using our iOS SDK you will need a semi-integration. Please contact if you need more information.

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khurram avatar image khurram David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

I am using your REST APIs for my both android and iphone apps sir. This app is for a restaurant having around 30 branches. We are able to place order successfully and its showing in our production dashboard. only problem now is with the payments. When i try to do oAuth for payments its saying app not found after i login to my clover account.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ khurram commented ·

Like I said you need a web app and it needs to be approved. The approval process takes time. Please contact the email I posted above if the app creation or approval process is not clear.

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