
cdcilley avatar image
cdcilley asked fredrueda answered

Clover Go <--> REST API connect for Orders and Line Items

I've been working for a while trying to get Clover working with a custom POS I've written for a client. Originally, I was working with a Clover Station. After a lot of forum discussion ( here) it was suggested that I could use a combination of Clover Go and the REST API to do what I wanted. @Raymond Lee ( comment): Yes, Clover Go would be a suitable alternative, since if you would be using your own Android device, you can side-load your app to the Android device. Your app can then use the Clover Go device to take payments, and use REST API calls to create Orders.

I got my hands on a Clover Go Dev Kit. I've got a test application that successfully...
  1. Runs OAuth to get an access_token, use that access token to make an ICloverGoConnectorListener(), connect to the Go via bluetooth, create a SaleRequest and run a credit card transaction.
  2. I can use that access_token to do REST API calls to create an Order, add Line Items and get back an Order ID.
What I can't do is connect 1 & 2. The Clover Go SaleRequest only takes an amount and an ExternalPaymentID (random string). There is no way to create line items - the receipt just shows "item" and the amount ( example). I've dug through the Javasdocs ( here) and can't find how to connect a REST API created OrderID to a Clover Go SaleRequest.

Honestly, I can get away with just having the Clover Go SaleRequest generated Order have the single line item, as long as I can update the description from "item" to something else.

Any pointers?
REST APIClover GoRemote Pay Android
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Greg avatar image
Greg answered
Hi @cdcilley,

The sale from the Clover Go will create a brand new order and a payment on Clover's side - no way to pass in a Clover orderId at the moment. If your requirement is to uniquely identify that order, you can get the orderId back from the saleResponse, and update that order using the REST API ( POST /v3/merchants/{mId}/orders/{orderId}). It seems like you will have to store the line items separately in your app to send as data for the REST call. You can generate the orders/receipts using that data afterwards however you like.

10 |2000

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fredrueda avatar image
fredrueda answered
hi @cdcilley need your help, need connect clover go and android app please example
10 |2000

Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

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