
dvch2000 avatar image
dvch2000 asked dvch2000 commented

How to make our app compatible with clover terminal with applepay support

Hi , we hope to integrate our app with your card reader including applepay payment.
Do you have iOS and Android SDK, API for us develop the app that is compatible with your apple pay support card reader? If so, do we need to fanchisee contract with clover ?
Pls let us have response. Thanks in advance

API Token
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1 Answer

Jeffrey Blattman avatar image
Jeffrey Blattman answered dvch2000 commented
Clover supports Apple Pay today.

We do not allow developer apps to access the card reader directly. Instead, they can invoke the Secure Payments app to accept a credit card payment.
10 |2000

Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

dvch2000 avatar image dvch2000 commented ·
Thanks for response. Our service has mobile POS feature and have a heavy traffic in Asia. Is there anyway we have partnership with you platform and let us intro yours together to our target customer? If you have right business development person, pls connect with us. We hope to talk. Thanks !
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dvch2000 avatar image dvch2000 commented ·
Jeffery, what is your android and ios SDK do then ? is that to make app that enable invoke your app ? pls give me a quick idea. Thanks
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dvch2000 avatar image dvch2000 commented ·
Hi, we found this link It looks like clover go BYOD support our requirement which enable our app access your EMV. Can you clarify this ? Thanks
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suvarna avatar image suvarna commented ·

@Jeffrey Blattman Could you please tell me how to invoke Secure Payments app?

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