
jitesh avatar image
jitesh Suspended asked jitesh Suspended commented

How we can push our payment information to clover cloud which was paid by third party payment gateway? We just want to save our transaction data to clover and use another payment service. Is it possible or not?

We are using employee management system of clover cloud and make payment from some other payment gateways in our android application and want to save these payment or refund details on clover cloud server as per the merchant employees. Can we do this task? Beacuse we want to see all payment details on clover merchant account. If yes, than share the APIs details and other related information.
10 |2000

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1 Answer

Jeffrey Blattman avatar image
Jeffrey Blattman answered jitesh Suspended commented
We generally do not allow apps that target other non-First Data payment gateways. Please contact before going any further in your development to ensure your app would be approved.

As for the how, Clover has the concept of custom tenders. The way it'd work is that the user sees, "pay with CC", "pay with cash" and another button, "pay with XXX" for your payment service. Clover records a payment with tender "XXX". The tender-specific details of the payment are otherwise opaque to Clover. Clover knows the amount, the tender, the timestamps, and not much else.

Clover does not have a way for developers to plug in different credit card payment gateways at a lower level, as a peer to the First Data payment gateways. That is, you can't configure a Clover device to use a different payment gateway for all credit card transaction.
1 comment
10 |2000

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jitesh avatar image jitesh commented ·
Thanks for reply..
Ok. i will contact for this.
One more thing i want to know ,Here I can able to push cash, check and external payment tender IDs payment information to clover cloud by using payment REST APIs( POST /v3/merchants/{mId}/orders/{orderId}/payments) from android application. But How i can push refund information for above tender IDs. this question is only regarding to cash,check and for external tender IDs.
Please suggest for refund only for cash,check and external because when i can pay for these tender IDs with REST APIs than why i am not able to do refund for the same.
Waiting for your positive response.
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