
stephaniea515 avatar image
stephaniea515 asked lilluunk answered

Tips not showing up on report


Trying to figure out where the error is with tips not showing up on reports. For reference, one food and beverage outlet (Outlet A) that generated 60k in sales only had $87 reported in tips, total. There were several other F&B outlets, each averaging between 8-10k in grats, with similar total revenue. Statistically its not possible that 8 other outlets averaged the same amount in tips and Outlet A only did $87. What could have been the issue with the programming? This was over the course of 5 days with 4 Clovers allocated per F&B outlet.


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parquet76 avatar image
parquet76 answered jamesfreed edited

Seems odd, based on the limited information you have provided, but this isn't the place to ask. This forum is for third party developers that need help using Clovers APIs etc. Contact Clover support and tell them exactly what report you are running. I would have proof of it being incorrect before calling them (actually go through a orders manually for the merchant in question and add the order I'd and tip amount into a spreadsheet or something).

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jamesfreed avatar image jamesfreed commented ·

Really helpful for me. tunnel rush

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joegagne avatar image
joegagne answered joegagne edited

Hey guys, have you ever faced the frustration of tips not showing up on your report? It can be really annoying. Sometimes, despite putting in the effort, those crucial tips just don't seem to make it into the final draft. That's where services like the one at come in handy. They specialize in helping you craft top-notch reports, ensuring that all your tips are not only included but also presented effectively. I've used their services before, and they've really helped me out of tight spots.

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joegagne avatar image
joegagne answered

Super. Thanks

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lilluunk avatar image
lilluunk answered

I just wanted to say thank you for sharing this information! It turned out to be really helpful for me. I’ll definitely follow your recommendation and see how it works out!

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